Keycloak REST Services 1.3.1.Final

Path: / admin / realms / {realm} / clients / {id} / logout-all

If the client has an admin URL, invalidate all sessions associated with that client directly.

Path parameters:
realm - realm name (not id!)
id - id of client (not client-id)

Resource Methods
Method Summary
POST /admin/realms/{realm}/clients/{id}/logout-allIf the client has an admin URL, invalidate all sessions associated with that client directly.

Method Detail

POST /admin/realms/{realm}/clients/{id}/logout-all

If the client has an admin URL, invalidate all sessions associated with that client directly.

HTTP Example:
POST /admin/realms/{realm}/clients/{id}/logout-all
API Example:

ClientResource.logoutAll({'realm': /* name realm name (not id!) */,
  'id': /* id id of client (not client-id) */});


Keycloak REST Services 1.3.1.Final